Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 Quad Core CPU

Cinebench 10 is a benchmarking tool based on the powerful 3D software Cinema 4D. The suite uses complex renders to gauge the performance of the entire PC system in both single-core and multi-core modes. Testing was performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being omitted and an average created from the remaining 3 results.
QX9650 - Cinebench Rendering
QX9650 - Cinebench Rendering
QX9650 - Cinebench OpenGL
As expected, the QX9650 leads the pack throughout the three benchmarks with the E6850 taking 2nd place in the single core Rendering and OpenGL results. However, as soon as the Rendering test is re-run with multi-core support the E6850 gets left for dead, with the QX9650 coming close to doubling its 5895 point score.
3DMark is a popular synthetic gaming benchmark used by many gamers and overclockers to gauge the performance of their PC’s. All 3DMark runs were performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being removed and an average calculated from the remaining 3 results.
QX9650 - 3DMark05
QX9650 - 3DMark06
3DMark05 is certainly starting to show its age with very little difference being exhibited between the three CPU’s. However, re-running the benchmarks on 3DMark06 puts the QX9650 firmly in the lead with the E6850 and Q6600 trailing a few hundred points behind.