Star Wars: Battlefront II is abandoning paid Loot Boxes

Star Wars Battlefront is abandoning paid Loot Boxes

Star Wars: Battlefront II is abandoning paid Loot Boxes

EA has officially confirmed that Star Wars: Battlefront II’s long-awaited “progression update” will be arriving on March 21st, where many feared that they would see paid look boxes re-introduced into the game.   

Once this update goes live, the game’s online progression system will become linear, with Star Cards and other gameplay impacting items being moved away from the game’s crate system and into a new experience-based system. With this update, each class and hero will gain XP during use, with each experience level awarding players with gain points that can be used to unlock or upgrade a Star Card of the players choice. 

This change removes the pay-to-win aspect which players feared, though it will create an ecosystem where new players are not equipped to take on veterans, who will have more refined skills and better equipment. 


     Today, we’re happy to announce that the Star Warsâ„¢ Battlefrontâ„¢ II Progression update, which includes a complete re-design of the in-game progression system, will begin rolling out on March 21st. There are also some additional changes coming to the cosmetics in the game, but we’ll get to that in a bit…

With this update, progression is now linear. Star Cards, or any other item impacting gameplay, will only be earned through gameplay and will not be available for purchase. Instead, you’ll earn experience points for the classes, hero characters, and ships that you choose to play in multiplayer. If you earn enough experience points to gain a level for that unit, you’ll receive one Skill Point that can be used to unlock or upgrade the eligible Star Card you’d like to equip.

You’ll keep everything you’ve already earned and unlocked. You will keep all of the Star Cards, heroes, weapons, or anything else you have already earned. What you have earned will still be available to use with this update regardless of how much or little progress you have already made.

Crates no longer include Star Cards and cannot be purchased. Crates are earned by logging in daily, completing Milestones, and through timed challenges. Inside of these crates, you’ll find Credits or cosmetic items, such as emotes or victory poses, but nothing that impacts gameplay.


In April the game will also be receiving a new cosmetics system, where the appearance of your soldiers can be changed using in-game credits or paid for crystals, allowing players to create customised characters and choose their race for applicable factions.  

At this time it is unknown exactly how this system will work. 

    Starting in April, you’ll be able to get appearances directly through in-game Credits or Crystals. The first new appearances are coming soon, meaning you’ll be able to grab new looks for your heroes and troopers directly by using either Credits (earned in-game) or Crystals (available to purchase in-game and through first-party stores). If you’ve ever dreamed of being a part of the Resistance as a Rodian, your chance is right around the corner.


Star Wars Battlefront is abandoning paid Loot Boxes


Within the coming weeks, EA also plans to release new content for Star Wars Battlefront II as well s new balance patches. At this time the company has not specified what will be added to the title, aside from the mention of a few new game modes. 

You can join the discussion on Star Wars: Battlefront II abandoning paid for loot boxes on the OC3D Forums.  Â