Mass Effect Andromeda – Weapons and Combat

Mass Effect Andromeda - Weapons and Combat

Mass Effect Andromeda – Weapons and Combat

The latest trailer for Mass Effect Andromeda showcases the many weapons and combat styles within the game, including weapon types, biotic powers and a verity of melee weapons. 

The game will feature many combat styles and weapon types, including pistols, shotguns, assault rifles and sniper rifles. Mass Effect Andromeda also features several melee weapon types from the Omni-blade to Asari swords and Krogan hammers. The game will also have a new dynamic cover system and an expanded range of movement options with a jetpack/jump-pack. All weapons will be available to players regardless of class, opening up a wide range of combat options. 

Guns will fall into three basic technology types, Milky Way weapons that are typically projectile based and require ammunition, Remnant weapons that use energy beams with high rates of fire and accuracy, using an overheat system and don’t rely on ammo (similar to Mass Effect 1’s weapons). There are also Helios Weapons, which are plasma-based weapons which use heat-seeking projectiles, with a charging aspect that will allow players to charge up a more powerful shot. 



In the game, players will also be able to upgrade themselves with three types of combat skills, from the ability to use cannons, grenade launchers and trip mines, experimental weaponry like flamethrowers and biotic powers.  

Players will also be able to craft and name their own custom weapons, which is a first for the Mass Effect series.

Mass Effect Andromeda will be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on March 21st in the US and March 23rd in the EU. At this time, PC system requirements are not available for the game. 


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