DOOM 2016 now features Dynamic Resolution Scaling thanks to a PC modder

DOOM 2016 now features Dynamic Resolution Scaling thanks to a PC modder

DOOM 2016 now features Dynamic Resolution Scaling thanks to a PC modder

2016’s iteration of DOOM was a graphical showcase when it released almost four years ago, acting as one of the first AAA game released to utilise the Vulkan API and proof that both cutting-edge visuals and 60FPS framerates were possible on today’s consoles. 

DOOM 2016 is already considered a masterpiece by many. Now the game has gotten even better, thanks to a PC modder called Ian Babbitt, who has gotten dynamic resolution scaling to function within the game’s PC version. Babbitt revealed his discovery on Twitter, and through a YouTube video.

Babbitt details how to enable Dynamic Resolution Scaling in the comments of his YouTube video, but the gist of it is simple. Enabling this feature requires PC gamers to use DOOM 2016’s “DoomLegacyMod” and a simple set of console commands. DOOM’s “DoomlegacyMod” can be downloaded on Reddit using this link.

Using these tweaks, Babbitt was able to get his GTX 1070 to run DOOM 2016 at a dynamic 4K with a 60FPS target, and if the video below is anything to go by, the game is able to sit very close to that target.     

DOOM’s “DoomLegacyMod is also able to re-implement several developer-only console commands into the game, including noclip, infiniteHealth, noPlayerdeath, noPlayerKill and noTarget.    

DOOM 2016’s sequel, DOOM Eternal is due to release on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on March 20th. Hopefully id Software is able to officially bring dynamic resolution to PC this time around, as it’s always nice to have these extra options. 

You can join the discussion on DOOM 2016 gaining support for Dynamic Resolution Scaling through modding on the OC3D Forums.Â