A major Forspoken update is coming to improve performance, graphics, playability, and more

A major Forspoken update is coming to improve performance, graphics, playability, and more

Forspoken’s set to receive a major rework with the game’s next big update

Square Enix and Luminous Productions have confirmed that a major update for Forspoken is now in the works that will deliver performance improvements to the game, better visuals, and increased playability on PC and PlayStation 5. 

Alongside these changes, Square Enix are also working to address the bugs that gamers have reported within the game, and hope to deliver a timeframe for this major patch soon. 

Currently, the exact scope of this update is unknown, but given the update’s planned visual and performance changes, gamers should expect a significant overhaul for Forspoken, and hopefully this overhaul will make the game look better and play better on all platforms. Below is Square Enix’s announcement post for their planned Forspoken update.

Note that Forspoken’s planned update are focused on performance, graphics, and playability, which means that gamers should not expect changes to Forspoken’s story or overall gameplay. That said, “playability” is a broad term, and it could include gameplay enhancements. 

You can join the discussion on Forspoken’s planned game-changing update on the OC3D Forums.