Rise for the Tomb Raider PC sells 3x more than Xbox in the first month

Rise for the Tomb Raider PC sells 3x more than Xbox in the first month

Rise for the Tomb Raider PC sells 3x more than Xbox in the first month


The PC Version of Rise of the Tomb Raider sold over 3x as many copies as the Xbox One version during its first month of sale digitally, showing the sheer demand that there is on the PC platform for the title. 

These numbers may not consider physical copies of the game on the PC and Xbox One, but it does show that there is a huge demand for games on PC and that PC gamers were willing to wait and purchase the game on their platform of choice. 

Below is some comments from SUPERDATA;

  As one of Square Enix’s most visible franchises, the Tomb Raider franchise performed in January, receiving both strong industry recognition and benefiting from a seasonal lull of triple A games. Initial sales numbers on digital console for Rise of the Tomb Raider were soft, due to sharing its release date with Fallout 4 and its exclusivity to Xbox One. The game sold almost three times as many units on PC than it did on console during its first month


  Rise for the Tomb Raider PC sells 3x more than Xbox in the first month


We already know that the Xbox One version of Rise of the Tomb Raider has sold over 1 million copies on the Xbox One, so hopefully Square Enix will be able to give us accurate data for the PC version in order to compare, as digital sales are expected to account for less than half of the sales of the game Xbox One. 


You can join the discussion on Rise of the Tomb Raider selling more than 3x as many digital copies as the Xbox One version in the first month on the OC3D Forums. 


