PS4 Sells over 29 Million Units

PS4 Sells over 29 Million Units

PS4 Sells over 29 Million Units


The PS4 has now sold over 29 million units worldwide, selling over 4 million units over the last quarter. This marks a improvement of 0.7 million units when compared to the same quarter last year. 

Sony’s gaming division posted revenue of Â¥360.7 billion ( which equated to $3 billion USD) during the quarter, which is up 16.5 percent compared to the same period last year. This is due mostly to the increase in PS4 console and games sales, but is as the same time lowered by declining PS3 console and game sales.  

  PS4 Sells over 29 Million Units


A few weeks ago Phil Spencer, the head of Microsoft’s Xbox decision said during a panel at the GeekWire summit that he didn’t know if Microsoft could beat Sony this generation, which is unsurprising given how the majority of multiplatform games run with higher visual quality/resolutions on the PS4.  


 “You know, I don’t know. You know, the length of the generation… They have a huge lead and they have a good product. I love the content, the games line-up that we have.”


From the very beginning it has been known that the PS4 has some distinct hardware advantages, containing 50% more GPU cores than the Xbox One, though the Xbox Ones GPU cores run at slightly higher clocks, and uses faster GDDR5 system memory instead of the Xbox One’s DDR3 memory. This has lead to many games running at much higher resolutions on the PS4, one recent example being Star Wars Battlefront, which runs at 900p on the PS4 and 720p on the Xbox One.  


Can the Xbox One catch up to the PS4?

(Image from Ars Technica)  


Looking at recent sales from Ars Technica, we can see that in June 2015 that the PS4 had sold more units in Q2 2015 than both the Wii U and Xbox One combined, giving Sony a huge advantage when it comes to users of their platform.

When looking at figures for total sales for each console we can see that the PS4 is dominant in the market with over 25 million units sold and the Xbox is quite far behind with between 13.3 and 15.33 million units sold as of June 2015. One other thing to note is that the Xbox One took significantly longer to overtake the Wii U in terms of units sold, which is very significant since the Wii U is considered by many as a complete failure. 

Can the Xbox One catch up to the PS4?  

(Image from Ars Technica)  


Right now it is very hard to tell if the Xbox One can catch up to Sony this generation, though many hope that the Xbox One’s implementation of DirectX 12 and integration will help to gain some additional momentum for the company. We must also remember that Microsoft is also partnered with Oculus, so Microsoft may have the lead when or if VR comes to consoles. 


You can join the discussion on PS4 sales on the OC3D Forums. Do you think the Xbox one has the ability to catch up?