3DM Cracking group suggests that they have cracked Denuvo

3DM Cracking group suggests that they have cracked Denuvo

3DM Cracking group suggests that they have cracked Denuvo


The game piracy group 3DM had recently suspended their operations and will no longer be cracking single player games in 2016. The group claims that they are doing this to assess the impact on genuine game sales. 

A lot of people have assumed that their suspension of operations is due to their inability to crack the DRM on recent titles using the latest version of Denuvo’s Anti-tampering technology, though the leader of the group has said that these claims are not true and that they are continuing to work on crack for the latest version of Denuvo.

Not only is 3DM continuing to work on cracking the most recent version of Denuvo, but their leader,”Bird Sister”, has claimed that they will soon announce that they will have a “solution” to the DRM technology used in games like Just Cause 3, FIFA 2016 and Rise of the Tomb Raider.  


   3DM will soon announce that we have a solution to the latest Denuvo encryption used on games including ‘FIFA 16’, ‘Just Cause 3’, and ‘Tomb Raider: The Rise’,

We [made this announcement] because a lot of players believe we have abandoned cracking due to technical problems, but we will prove it is not the case,

We have not yet been stumped [by protection measures].

  3DM Cracking group suggests that they have cracked Denuvo  

We at OC3D do not condone the piracy of games and believe that as long as piracy protection software does not harm the performance or the ability for legitimate users to play their games that DRM is a good thing.

Though let’s hope that developers do not get overly aggressive with DRM in the near future, as past cases like Assassins Creed 2 and countless other PC games have shown us that punishing legitimate users in order to disable piracy is a great way to lose sales.


You can join the discussion on PC the game cracking group 3DM caliming to have a “solution” to Denuvo on the OC3D Forums.