Sins of a Solar Empire 2 is coming to Steam this Summer

The Advent is coming to Sins of a Solar Empire 2 this summer, and the game is coming to Steam

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 has been available on the Epic Games Store for some time, giving gamers early access to the huge space strategy game. This Summer, Sins of a Solar Empire 2 will be receiving its 3rd main faction/race, the Advent, and the game will be officially released on Steam. Goodbye Epic Games Store exclusivity!

If your waiting for Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (SOASE 2) to be “ready/finished”, consider this article as your warning. This Summer, the game will be available on Steam with six playable factions. This includes the TEC, Advent, and Visari races and their respective sub-factions.

SOASE 2’s a new game with a foundation in new technology. The game’s engine is 64-bit, and it scales to utilise all available system memory and CPU cores. As a result, gamers with powerful systems should be able to play COLOSSAL games of SOASE 2 with ease. Furthermore, the game will be a lot better looking than its predecessor. This is thanks to the game’s dynamic lighting, physically based rendering, higher resolution textures and other visual enhancements.

Over time, Ironclad Games and Stardock plan to support Sins 2 with regular free updates and DLC content. A full map creator will be available for the game. Modding tools for the game should also be available later this year. Currently, only a Windows PC version of Sins 2 is on the game’s roadmap. Even so, the game’s developers would like to support Valve’s Steam Deck.

You can join the discussion on Sins of a Solar Empire II coming to Steam this summer on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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