Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review

Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review

Graphical Options and  Control Settings


When it comes to graphical options and control options Overwatch does everything right, from including a detailed graphical options menu all the way to colour blind options and having fully rebindable controls that can be changed on a character-by-character basis if the user wishes. 

Overwatch is clearly a game that gamers can play their own way. 


Control Options

In the games control options, you can configure the controls to your exact requirements, be it on a Controller or on Keyboard and mouse. The games controls can also be changed on a character by character basis, allowing you to map controls that you feel are most suitable to a particular playstyle. 

To be completely honest I cannot think of a way that Blizzard could have done any better with the games control options, as this is more than enough to cover pretty much PC gamer. 


Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review  

Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review   Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review 


 Graphical Options

The graphical options in overwatch are very impressive, with an FOV slider the maxes out at 103 and a wide variety of vsync or other framerate limiting options.

The game also includes a built-in framerate monitor, which will give users the exact framerate of the game and even detail other performance data like ping, removing the need for external framerate monitoring tools like FRAPs, MSI Afterburner or  the Geforce Experience. 

It is also great to see that the game has colour blind options for the in-game UI, which makes this multiplayer-centric game much more accessible for those without full-colour vision. 

Moving down to the advanced display options we can see that there are quite a lot of detailed graphical options, including resolution scale, that will allow you to scale larger or smaller resolutions to your display for higher graphical fidelity or performance. The game also features full SMAA support, which is an option that is missing from a lot of modern games. 

There is also a built-in screenshot option in Overwatch that allows you to take a screenshot at a higher resolution than what you are currently playing at, which means that even 1080p gamers can take some glorious 4K screenshots. 


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Graphical Presets

When testing the Overwatch we will be using all of the games 5 graphical presets, with resolution scale set to 100% at resolutions of 1080p, 1440p and 4K depending on what GPUs we are using.   

Moving from Low to Medium presents by far the largest graphical boost, with changes beyond that being much less noticeable, mostly changing minor details like shadows and lighting that can often be missed when playing such a fast paced multiplayer title.   


Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review  Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review  

(Low Settings (Left), Medium Settings (Right))

Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review  Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review 

(High Settings (Left), Ultra Settings (Right))

 Overwatch Open Beta PC Performance Review  (Epic Settings)