Gears of War: Ultimate Edition PC Performance Retest with AMD Crimson 16.3 Drivers

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition PC Performance Retest with Crimson 16.3 Drivers

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition PC Performance Retest with Crimson 16.3 Drivers


When Gears of War: Ultimate Edition launched on the Windows store it was a total disaster, with terrible performance and graphical glitches on AMD GPUs, lacking support for FreeSync and G-Sync and coming with all of the disadvantages that are brought to the table with all Windows 10 Store exclusive titles.

Now some time has passes and the game has been updated to take away some of the graphical issues and AMD has released their new Radeon Software Crimson 16.3 beta driver that includes many game specific optimizations for the title.

With these new updates can we finally recommend this game for AMD users? Let’s find out.  


AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson 16.2 Driver