FOXCONN BlackOps X48 Motherboard

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Cinebench 10 is a benchmarking tool based on the powerful 3D software Cinema 4D. The suite uses complex renders to guage the performance of the entire PC system in both single-core and multi-core modes. Testing was performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being omitted and an average created from the remaining 3 results.


3DMark is a popular synthetic gaming benchmark used by many gamers and overclockers to gauge the performance of their PC’s. All 3DMark runs were performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being removed and an average calculated from the remaining 3 results.

Results Observations
The extra bandwidth of DDR3 memory used on both the Foxconn BlackOps and Rampage Extreme doesn’t seem to carry much weight when it comes to Cinebench and 3DMark, with many of the results only being slightly better than the DDR2 based Blitz Formula SE. Interestingly, the only real major difference appears to be during the OpenGL test